Traditionally, sunglasses coatings have been restricted to singular colors like brown, black and grey, however, with the vast development in the techniques in coating and hueing, there has been a tremendous progress in terms of the number of colors that can be used in sunglasses coating. Colored sunglasses not only bring you solid and adequate eye protection, more importantly, they can serve as a unique tournament tool that add up to your ensemble and enhance your whole image along the way.

Some people have the misconception that lightly tinted colored sunglasses might not have the same UV protection capacity as those dark ones. That supposition is pretty much false from its bottom up. The reason why sunglasses have their UV blocking functions has to do with the coatings on the lenses. The degree of blocking capacity is proportionate to the number of layers of coatings applied to the lenses, which means in what color are they tinted doesn't really matter. So, theoretically, a lighter coated lens can have higher blocking capacity than a darker tinted one. Those who worried about colored sunglasses's UV blocking capacity then should just put their hearts where they should be and quit worring about something that's not even true. Colored sunglasses can provide the same protection as those dark ones and can definitely do the name sunglasses honor.

Besides providing the same amount of functional prominence to the table, colored sunglasses are a natural enhancer of your wardrobe. Available practically in a rainbow of colors stretching across the whole spectrum, colored sunglasses are the missing piece to your summer feeling clothes and shoes. Pink brings cuteness to the table while purple immediately set the party on fire. For Ladies, nothing beats those two. As for male, metal like silver provide that futurist vibe while the heavy and decayed rusty color reflect a piece of rebelliousness under the most-modern disclose. With such a huge profusion of colors that are available, wearers are bound to find the one that they like the most and that suits them the most. If you are looking for stylish yet cheap sunglases, you can turn to online sunglasses stores.
Some people have the misconception that lightly tinted colored sunglasses might not have the same UV protection capacity as those dark ones. That supposition is pretty much false from its bottom up. The reason why sunglasses have their UV blocking functions has to do with the coatings on the lenses. The degree of blocking capacity is proportionate to the number of layers of coatings applied to the lenses, which means in what color are they tinted doesn't really matter. So, theoretically, a lighter coated lens can have higher blocking capacity than a darker tinted one. Those who worried about colored sunglasses's UV blocking capacity then should just put their hearts where they should be and quit worring about something that's not even true. Colored sunglasses can provide the same protection as those dark ones and can definitely do the name sunglasses honor.
Besides providing the same amount of functional prominence to the table, colored sunglasses are a natural enhancer of your wardrobe. Available practically in a rainbow of colors stretching across the whole spectrum, colored sunglasses are the missing piece to your summer feeling clothes and shoes. Pink brings cuteness to the table while purple immediately set the party on fire. For Ladies, nothing beats those two. As for male, metal like silver provide that futurist vibe while the heavy and decayed rusty color reflect a piece of rebelliousness under the most-modern disclose. With such a huge profusion of colors that are available, wearers are bound to find the one that they like the most and that suits them the most. If you are looking for stylish yet cheap sunglases, you can turn to online sunglasses stores.